Voice Search Experiments

M&C Saatchi


One in four Americans use Google Voice Search on their mobiles, but in Australia, the numbers were far lower. We needed an idea that encouraged trial by showing Australians that the product worked with Aussie accents.

To do this we created a series of acoustic experiments testing the product under extreme conditions. Using a pair of Whisper dishes (a.k.a. Parabolic Mirrors), a Transducer (underwater communication system) and an Android phone, the experiments were conducted in some of Australia’s most iconic environments – The Australian Outback and The Great Barrier Reef.

Consumers and Google fans were engaged via social media to participate in the experiments by submitting questions they would like asked. We received thousands of submissions on Facebook! Finally, a YouTube channel was created to host the web films. In just 14 days, it became the most viewed YT channel in Australia, with over 3 million views. By the end of the campaign, the number was nearly 5 million.

Case Study Film

Online Films

User Generated Questions

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Welcome to the bottom of the internet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis neque ac nunc aliquet cursus porttitor dignissim sapien. Nunc eu lorem ipsum. Phasellus aliquam nulla eget est mollis mattis. Sed rhoncus leo enim, id tincidunt libero tristique.
We speak Latin down here, at least in the bodycopy.

Etiam non mi vel neque euismod feugiat. Donec rhoncus odio in nibh ornare, eu interdum ligula condimentum. Etiam sollicitudin consectetur ante sed posuere. Sed id purus nunc. Morbi leo est, rhoncus sit amet justo quis, ultrices accumsan diam.